Monday, October 21, 2013

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Spain July 2- July 5

After what seemed like hours of wandering around Las Ramblas street in Barcelona, I lugged my suitcase up 3 flights of stairs, pushed open the door to my hostel, and found Daron sitting there on the couch, looking much less haggard than I, even after her overseas flight.  At this point it had been over a year that we had joked and then thought more seriously, and then evaluated the finances, and eventually started booking and planning this trip that was finally here! 

First stop, Sagrada Familia.

Both of us were completely engulfed in Gaudi's work, even if I had just seen this masterpiece the year prior.

View from Parc Guell, another work of art by Gaudi.

Parc Guell.

Finally time to catch up on the last 10 months of our lives.

More Gaudi.  On top of Casa Mila, also known as La Pedrera.

Coffee and postcard time, one thing I loved most about our trip. Those breaks to rest and rejuvenate, that allowed us to reflect on the beautiful cities we were seeing, and how lucky we were to get to do so.

The famous La Boqueria market off Las Ramblas.

Since we were in Barcelona over the Fourth of July, we planned to spend it with some fellow Americans, Alex, Sasha, Elias and Daron and I.

Next stop Ibiza, with these lovely people!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Costa Brava, Spain

Costa Brava, Spain June 27- July 2

After the hangovers had worn off, the herring was put away (until Christmas anyway), and the may poles taken down, my parents and I both continued our travels.  They were going to Spain and then to  Germany to visit my brother and I was starting in Spain for 5 weeks through 3 countries with Daron, a friend from home.  It wasn't long after my parents left Sweden, that we met again in Costa Brava.

Mom and I atop the city of Palafrugell.

I love the charming side streets of European cities.

Dad and I.

My mom and I enjoyed the coastal towns while my dad was cycling with Portland Velo. The beach is more my pace while on vacation.

Diving board.

My parents and my favorite town, Palafrugell.

Cheers to a wonderful 15 days spent with my parents in both Sweden and Spain.

Walking from town to town along the coast at dusk. 

On the last day, my mom and I drove 4 hours north to the south of France.  We passed through several quaint medieval towns such as the one above.  There is something I love about walking the cobble stone streets and imagining the history that took place there.  Something that it so different than the US.

Next stop, Barcelona!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


 Midsommar or midsummer, is the second largest celebration by Swedes following Christmas.  It is celebrated with closest friends and family and happens each year on a date on or close to summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  Let me just say that come June, I was definitely ready to celebrate some daylight too after all the darkness that Swedish winter put on us.  Midsommar is complete with a maypole, crowns made of wildflowers, snaps, music, dancing, singing, and the dreadful herring.  

Two celebrations happen on the eve of midsummer, Midsommarsafton.  There is the traditional main meal during the day, followed by many drinking songs and snaps.  When everyone has had just the right amount of snaps, the dancing begins around the maypole.  One is never too old to dance, sing and act like a baby or frog on this day in Sweden.  Then we lay low for a while until it is time for more celebration including a barbecue.  Midsommar is something everyone has to experience some day, and it is a tradition I am hoping to keep alive even after moving back to the states.

The building of the maypole by Andreas and Mårten.  Since I know you were thinking it, yes, those symbolize two balls on the phallic fertility pole.


Elsa helping make the crowns from wildflowers.

Table, set and ready.

Ella and Sofia prancing around in their flower crowns.


Champagne and snaps, I wish I could say this was the only alcohol I drank all day.

 Traditional Swedish cake with creme, meringue, and strawberries.

 The kids version of this delicious cake.

 After just enough snaps (on the adults behalf), the dancing began!

My first ever midsommar, but definitely not my last.