Sunday, January 6, 2013

One blizzard later

The kids and I playing in the snow after school (notice it is already dark at 3PM) We have finally hit the winter solstice, so it will slowly start staying light later.

I was able to capture a photo of Gabriel looking innocent between snowballs being thrown at me.

Do you think she can ever make a nice face?

Gabriel outside of the Nordiska Museet (Nordic Museum)

Gabriel in front of downtown Stockholm

Gabriel and I in Stockholm on his day off from school.

Our house in the snow.

Sunset on Lidingö taken with my new camera from Christmas. Thanks mom and dad! 

Ella and I playing in the snow

The snow built up outside my entrance into the house was almost as tall as Gabriel!

Gabriel playing the snow. 

The picture of Gabriel shows how deep the snow was when it snowed 30 cm in one day. Gabriel was almost up to his waist, and I sunk to my knees. But it was no big deal, so I tried to drive anyway, and look where that got me.

This car doesn't look very stuck, but believe me, I got it stuck pretty well. It took 5 grown men, shoveling and pushing and grunting to get it unstuck later that night. Who knew that you should shovel first and then drive?! I have to say that I failed that day as an au pair. I wasn't able to pick up Ella from day care, Johanna at the train, or take Gabriel to the doctor. oops. New requirement for au pairs coming to Sweden: "know what they are doing when it comes to harsh snowy winter conditions".

Sunset over Stockholm.

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