Wednesday, February 20, 2013

North Pole activities

In case anyone is wondering, yes it is still severely below freezing and yes, it is still snowing every day.  Swedes would kill for a clear day with blue sky like the photos below, and when they get one, everyone is outside.  It still may be -18 degrees C, but people are outside walking their dogs, running, cross country skiing, ice walking, and ice skating.
Photo on Lidingö.

Lidingö, right by my house.

Kirsten and I taking a walk around the island.

Everything is frozen in -18 degree C weather (0 degrees F).

 Almost frozen lake.  Most lakes do freeze and then people ice skate on them, but this water is where the large cruise ships pass by multiple times a day, so it will never completely freeze.  Many people can walk along the water into downtown stockholm when its frozen.

Kirsten and I only lasted about 30 minnutes on our walk because it was so cold! 

Kirsten playing with the ducks.

Dock near my house.

 Laughing about how freezing cold we were.

Yet, another attempt at cross country skiing.  Even getting the skis on is difficult!

 Getting more coordinated after every try.
 I managed to stay standing long enough for a photo. ;-)
 Kirsten and I skied to Långangens Gård, a fika and lunch place nearby my house.

 Fika break and learning how to use my new camera! 
 Again, the difficulties of cross country skiing.  
 I think part of the problem is us laughing so hard, we can't do anything else.
Sunset is getting a little bit later each day now.  Sometimes it is still light around 4:30PM.

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