Sunday, December 15, 2013

The last one.

December 15, 2013 Stockholm, Sweden

 "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh
Thank you A.A. Milne.

I could not better summarize my feelings for leaving the beautiful city of Stockholm, and Lidingö, Scandinavia, my friends, my Swedish host family, kanelbullar and fika (it's up there in favorite things), the challenging and quirky Swedish language, Kirsten, the silly traditions on Julafton and Midsommar, and most importantly, the two kids that have exceptionally changed my life, Ella and Gabriel.  

I am so proud of Ella and Gabriel's English.  I think back to last October, when the kids and I sat in silence while eating dinner, compared to now, when, Johanna, Andreas, Ella, Gabriel are all sitting, having a conversation in English, exchanging stories of past things, telling each other what we are excited for, it brings me such joy; they changed my life.

This blog served its purpose, to have a compact place where I can look back on all my amazing memories while living abroad, and update friends and family while away from the US, so this is my last post. 

I have to say that my feelings are mixed about my return.  It is very bittersweet, but I will be back to Stockholm sometime soon.

I can't possibly say goodbye to anyone or anything in Stockholm because it is too hard.  So a simple, "See you soon" must suffice for now.

<3 <3 <3

Puss och kram.  Hej då!

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