Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The (not so secret) secrets of Cafe Opera

Cafe Opera is one of our favorite night clubs in Stockholm.  We can usually be found there on a Friday or Saturday night. 
 Bea, Michelle and I

Trek to Cafe Opera in the tunnelbanan- Melissa, Jami, Loviisa, and Kirsten.

Kir and I.

 International Girlfriends (mostly au pairs)- Julia (Swedish), myself, Bea (Spanish), Michelle (German), Loviisa (Finnish), Kirsten (American), Jami (American) and Melissa (American).

 Bea, Michelle, Kir and I

 Myself and Loviisa getting ready to go out.

Jami, Loviisa, Melissa and I

Michelle and I in Cafe Opera.

Cafe Opera and Swedish boys.

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