Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ibiza, Spain

Ibiza, Spain July 5- July 8

From left to right, Elias, Alice, Kirstie, Sasha, Alex, and Daron.

From Barcelona, Daron and I flew to Ibiza with 5 new friends. Between the 7 of us, we had the entire West coast of the US covered from where we were from, although we had the unique experience to all meet up in Barcelona.  All 7 of us have different stories about why we were in Barcelona, and where we were at in our lives.  Daron was taking the summer off to travel before starting medical school at the University of Washington.  Elias is from San Diego, between jobs, taking the summer to visit his Spanish relatives in Barcelona.  Sasha is living and working for the US Army in Germany, and friends with Elias from high school.  Alice is Sasha's sister, who was studying in Spain for a term.  Alex is Sasha's girlfriend who was stopping by Europe on her way to Argentina to study for a term.  Kirstie is Alex's friend from California, who was also studying in Spain for a term.

But what we all had in common was our love for travel and appetite for new experiences, new cultures and new places.

Ibiza mainly consisted of the beach during the day, and partying at night. 

Elias walking along the cliff overlooking the beach and beautiful clear water.

Sasha and Alex

We all rented scooters and drove around from beach to beach during the day. Elias was an awesome teacher, and we got the hang of how to drive them pretty quickly.  The island is decently big, and we needed them to get around during the day.

One morning, Alex, Elias, Daron and I woke up early (4AM) to scooter to a view point to see the sun rise.  It was a beautiful way to spend our last morning! 

Elias was constantly videoing our Ibiza trip with his GoPro camera, and this was the final footage that we came up with.

Take a look:


Next stop, Paris!

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