Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Höst i Stockholm

After one month back in Portland, I flew back to Stockholm in order to start my last 3 months with my family.  My working visa was and is still in process (it takes 7-10 months to be approved!), so I came back on a 90 day tourist visa.  Throughout the fall I made the decision to move back to Portland for good in December.  It feels like the natural break to return home, and honestly I am feeling ready for another challenge and possibly starting my career.  But it definitely was not an easy decision.  Every time I think about leaving I want to burst into tears, but the time had to come to an end at some point, and all I can do is be thankful for the extra 3 months I had with the family and the kids.
Strandvägen on a beautiful fall day.

A map of Djurgården, an island in the middle of Stockholm.

 Nordiska Museet, my favorite building in Stockholm.

 Kristina and I enjoyed a lovely walk around Djurgården on one of the many beautiful, crisp and cool fall days that Stockholm was granted.

We had to stop for a fika, of course.

... and we made a new friend.


 Pumpor på Gamla Stan.

Johanna and I took advantage of the nice weather to snap some photos of the kids before the weather turned for the worst.

How will I ever leave these two?

We didn't forget to carve pumpkins again this year! Elsa and Alfred loved sticking their hands inside the pumpkin and getting out all the guts and seeds. 

Elsa, deep in thought, carving her pumpkin. 

Alfred with his concentration face on.

Lastly, Nina, Mårten, Johanna, Andreas and all four kids and I took the boat out for one last ride before winter.  We took a canal tour through Djurgården then along Strandvägen and into town.  

 Perfect day for a boat ride.


  1. I just happen to see the canal today enroute kaknastornet and did a google search for a family outing on weekend and got here. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and canal pictures.
