Friday, November 2, 2012

First Glimpse

I am so fortunate to have my own space in the Hakansson's house (I basically get one whole floor to myself). This is my bed! 

This is the view from their house.  This is the view I get to wake up to every morning

When I walked into my room for the first time, I had two lovely pictures waiting for me from my new kids, Ella (5 yrs) and Gabriel (7 yrs).

Here are the wonderful kids I get to take care of everyday. Ella is always this camera shy.  This is after I picked them up from school, on the walk home (which takes 10 minutes when I walk myself, but 20 minutes with the kids).

More of my space- my own bathroom.

The rest of my room.

This is the outside of the Hakansson's house, and my new house for the next year! 

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